Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Wrap Up
Friday, March 23, 2012
When we dirve away today, I will hear them singing in my head...
"Everything's allright, Everything's okay, I've got Jesus in my life!"
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Living Water
Monday, March 19, 2012
Day 1 and 2
Monday, March 12, 2012
Ready Set Go

Welcome to our mission team blog!
Our team is leaving on March 18th for an 8 day mission trip to Belize. Our team is made up of mostly families. We have two other families not from Westwood that will be joining our team in Belize. Belize is located in the southern portion of the Yucatan Peninsula in Central America and borders Mexico and Guatemala facing the Caribbean Sea to the east. Belize is the only English speaking country in Central America. Religions common in the country are Catholics and Christianity. Some other practices common are Jehovah's Witnesses, Hindu, and Voodooism. 58 % of the population is under the age of nineteen. The Constitution offers freedom of religion. This allows denominations to partner with the government in running the educational system, denominations also provide many social and family welfare services.
We will be working at a school about 16 miles from Dangriga named Light of the Valley. The school was built and is maintained by the Belize government and by the Baptist Association of Belize. The school currently has around 300 students in grades K-8. The missionaries we will be working with are David and Karen Rhodes. Our goal is to share the gospel with the children and teachers at the school. We will be leading VBS,providing some training for teachers and doing some electrical work. We are hoping we can maintain this blog while we are on our trip and communicate with you about the mission God has given us. Please pray for our team as we prepare to go this week. Pray specifically that David can get our pallet of supplies we sent out of customs. Pray also that God will go before us and begin to prepare the field.