Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wrap Up

Today there is a lump in my throat. It has been there since we got in the van that Friday and wrapped up a full day. Friday was a day that instead of going by in a blur was filled with a thousand moments that will stay in our hearts forever. I want to share some of the highlights and God filled moments.

Power - The guys had more on their plate then they could chew. They had to rewire the whole building. They wanted to add lights and 3 outlets in each room. They also needed to wire a new control box. They were pushed on time and manpower. Bram was stuck in an attic for an entire day. A State Senator was shocked but they pressed on. Towards the end of the day they flipped the switch and they kept blowing fuses. Joey asked Todd if they could come back another day but was told no. In the very last room and on the very last outlet they found and solved the problem. Lights came on and outlets worked. All in God's perfect timing. All in His strength. All in His power.

VBS was a win! The kids got the experience, heard the gospel and by the end of the week were singing the songs with smiles big enough to light a room. We had a great opportunity to have parents come to the school on Friday and hear about what their children had learned that week. We were also able to give them the gospel presentation. Please pray as God will use the seeds planted in their hearts last week.

Friday wrapped up with our team delivering rice and beans and vitamins into the village. It was very eye opening for adults and kids alike to see kids and teachers they made friends with in their home environment. We saw a view of poverty that most Americans never see let alone walk through. It was so encouraging to see what God is doing in that village. In the center of the village was a church that just 7 months ago was a concrete slab. Now it is a building with walls and curtains and a pulpit. We got to meet with the pastor and his family. Please pray God will use His church to minister to the families and individuals in that community.

It was great to see the church be the church last week. Serving. Loving. Ministering. We saw What the church can do this week. The kids have more school supplies than last year thanks to the church and their messenger bag program from this year. They were playing softball with equipment donated from the church. We passed out school supplies in bags made from last year's VBS. I am excited to see how God will use the partnership with our church to build hope in this school and further God's kingdom.

I can't write all the things I learned and saw on this trip. It was different for each person. I can tell you God broke our hearts for what breaks His. I held my 7 year old and through tears we said "until we meet again." I cried for the teachers who give more of themselves everyday to kids that they chose to "teach." I cried when I hugged David and Karen bye. Their devotion to theses children and their dedication to reaching lives for Jesus is nothing short of extraordinary. They have done so much to not just meet the spiritual needs but the basic needs also. I cried for the impact the trip had on all of us. I cried for the bug bites that were totally worth it. Saturday morning I watched the sun come up on a beach in Belize down the road from where we left our hearts and cried with my friend about the greatness of our Father's love.

For we are God's masterpiece created anew in Christ Jesus so we can do the good works he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10

Thank you for sharing in our journey.

Friday, March 23, 2012


VBS has gone great. The children are having their first experiences with VBS. They are laughing and singing and have heard the gospel. Jenny said yesterday, "I don't think we could have been more intentional with the gospel. " That is a win.

The men need your prayers today especially. They stayed late at the school yesterday and feel they will need to rewire an entire building today. They can not do this alone and need God's help and strength. Pray for safety as they are working with electricity. They were able to rewire the kitchen, build shelves, doors, redo a window and paint. All wins.

Today is a full day. We will have VBS this morning. Then we will have an American lunch of hot dogs! Next parents will come at 1:30 and we will have the opportunity to share the gospel again. Also this afternoon the older classes will play a softball game for us with their donated equipment from Westwood. It has been really neat to see our church in places down here. The messenger bags many of you donated are still being used today.

Then at the end of the day we will follow the children home and deliver food. Many of the children and adults on this team have never seen this kind of poverty. I am told even the poverty we have seen on the side of the road does not compare. Pray for the team - Michael prayed last night that we would be completely worn out at the end of this day. That we will give everything we have and let their be nothing left. Pray as we say until we meet again and our hearts break we know that we are leaving them in God's hands. He will never abandon them. He is their light in this darkness. He is the food for their soul. He is thier living water.

When we dirve away today, I will hear them singing in my head...

"Everything's allright, Everything's okay, I've got Jesus in my life!"

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Living Water

Our men folks completed this water fountain with six spouts. Water is precious here in Belize. They are thirsty for water. I was reminded as I was watching them drink that they are thirsty for the living water. Today we will be sharing the gospel. Pray for the children who will hear the gospel. Pray for our team! The pallet is here and the next two days will be long. Pray especially for our men and the work they will have to complete. Pray the gospel will be presented in a tangible way.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Day 1 and 2

Hello from Belize! And yes we are really in the jungle that happens to be close to a beach.

We made it safely yesterday with no delays and no luggage issues! Belize has four roads and we traveled on all of them. It took us around four hours from the airport to arrive in Hopkins, the township we are staying. It is in the Stann Creek District. We are in south end of Belize. We were all exhausted last night after a long day of travel. It was so good to sit and talk to David and Karen and hear what we were going to be doing and we spent time listening to them share their heart.

This morning we started off on the long dusty road to Light of the Valley School. We were nervous, excited and ready to see what God had in store for us. Our pallet is still not here but we had managed to squeeze drills and enough supplies to get us started. We started the morning worshiping with the children. I can't tell you the feeling in the room when we got to hear them sing one of their favortie songs for us, "Everythings okay. Everythings allright. I've got Jesus in my life."

The team divided up after worship and the kids ran into classrooms. The men started working and were able to complete a water fountain with six spouts. The men also rewired the kitchen at the school. The missionaries were able to get the Stop Hunger Now program started at the local schools in the Valley. That program kicked off today and we were excited to see it come to fruition. Corey and Michael were able to help Karen deliver foods to several schools and even operation Christmas child boxes. Melisa helped prepare lunch for the kids at Light of the Valley. Rice and Chicken. We were serving lunch when I started to notice several children we had fed trying to come back to get more food. We had to say no. One little girl probably around five tried for more food by saying it was for her sister. Hungry children is something I just can't swallow. We are so spoiled.

I don't think I have seen poverty. I mean, I thought I knew what poverty looked like but what I have seen and tasted does not compare. I was covered in little hands all day. You see kids are kids no matter where they live. At one time I was playing Simon Says and I looked up and had around thirty kids laughing and giggling and playing right along. I got to spend some time with two teachers today and both shared their "dreams" for the future. One wants to help abused children at her school. One has been teaching for 18 years and he would like to retire and then be able "to do something that makes a difference." You see the difference was made in my heart today.

It didn't take long for a little face to find my ankle scar and I got to share my story of how God got me still. I was thankful for sunglasses to hide tears. And I was more thankful to know that God has them in His hands and in His perfect plan.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Ready Set Go

Welcome to our mission team blog!

Our team is leaving on March 18th for an 8 day mission trip to Belize. Our team is made up of mostly families. We have two other families not from Westwood that will be joining our team in Belize. Belize is located in the southern portion of the Yucatan Peninsula in Central America and borders Mexico and Guatemala facing the Caribbean Sea to the east. Belize is the only English speaking country in Central America. Religions common in the country are Catholics and Christianity. Some other practices common are Jehovah's Witnesses, Hindu, and Voodooism. 58 % of the population is under the age of nineteen. The Constitution offers freedom of religion. This allows denominations to partner with the government in running the educational system, denominations also provide many social and family welfare services.

We will be working at a school about 16 miles from Dangriga named Light of the Valley. The school was built and is maintained by the Belize government and by the Baptist Association of Belize. The school currently has around 300 students in grades K-8. The missionaries we will be working with are David and Karen Rhodes. Our goal is to share the gospel with the children and teachers at the school. We will be leading VBS,providing some training for teachers and doing some electrical work. We are hoping we can maintain this blog while we are on our trip and communicate with you about the mission God has given us. Please pray for our team as we prepare to go this week. Pray specifically that David can get our pallet of supplies we sent out of customs. Pray also that God will go before us and begin to prepare the field.