Monday, July 8, 2013

The Reentry

Reentry is defined as a second or new entry.  This will be my third Reentry from Belize and easier is not used when I define what lays ahead of me. I will try to put into words what the first time team members might be feeling and what I feel today.  I am all heart in making descions but the word tells us,The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? (Jeremiah 17:9 ESV). So my first advice is to  take a deep breath and allow your heart time to feel and let your head time to process.
I am a mommy and a wife. Two jobs that require much of my heart and dedication. It was not normal to turn those jobs off for a week.  In fact I have never experienced a mission trip without my husband or children. I was able to spend time alone with God and was able to listen on ways I could return home a better wife and a better mommy.  I pray all of our team will come home and find things where they could serve The Lord better than they did before. So my second advice is to write it down.   Write down the answered prayers. Write down the areas you need to make changes in your life. Write down where you need to serve more and worry less. Write it down.
Jesus example to us and His command, Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, (Matthew 28:19 ESV) are words that don't go away upon Reentry. I was so encouraged by the youth we took on our trip. Boldness was a word I could use to describe each one of them. I watched them take time to pray with each waiter, bus driver, team member or child. Without hesitation they shared the gospel. My third piece of advice is to keep it up. Your pictures.  Your experience.  Your story is His story. Don't keep it to your self. I recently read an article that stated only 11% of churchgoers would ever go on a mission trip. Your experience is worth telling to all that will listen.
My heart is speaking louder than my head in the first few days at home. My heart remembers the hugs, the conversations, the homes we walked in, the hands I held, the kisses I stole, the tickles I gave, the words they spoke, the songs we sang and the tears we cried.  Piper says it best, "The really wonderful moments of joy in this world are not moments of self-satisfaction, but self-forgetfulness.” 

 My last advice is to forget your self again. If I close my eyes I can hear the crunch of the gravel wet road under my shoes and I can feel the humid air and I remember not myself but the love that was worth it. My last advice is to remember. Remember it was worth it. 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Little Things

Yesterday was a great day.  It was our day to share the gospel with both groups.  At both the boys' and the girls' camps, you could have heard a pin drop (something that has been rare all week).  At both places, we used a wooden cross with nails on it to have a visual for the kids to see.  Marsha (to the girls) and Kenneth (to the boys) explained that Jesus took those sins and carried them on the cross.  During different times at both locations, the kids took handprints they had made earlier in the week and placed them on the nails.  Talk about a gut wrenching time.  At the girls' camp, one of the sweet little ones told her leaders that she just could not put her hand on the cross.  Marsha told her that Jesus had already taken her sin to the cross, and that she could rest in that.  She finally did, and then sat back down to cry in her seat.  Wow, what a sign that there is power in the gospel!
The hands on the cross at the boys' camp 

After we finished the camps, we took off for Steadfast, which is the village where many of our kids who attend Light of the Valley live.  We had a small amount of food to take to them.  Please pray.  There is a shipment of food waiting in customs here that has not been released.  These sweet babies are hungry.  We have heard from them day after day about how hungry they are.  Some through their words, but many through their actions.  We need God to do amazing things to allow Kidz Konnect 4 Jesus to be able to provide the food these families are so desperately needing. Fast.

One praise we have had all week, and it seems like a little thing in the big picture.  This is the rainy season in Belize.  It pretty much rains every day here during this time.  We have had about 100 boys and 100 girls to keep entertained and moving without a large amount of indoor space if it rains.  Praise the Lord, the rain has held off the last 2 days until the camp is cleared out!  He has done great things for us in this.  We pray that favor continues today.

The sunrise this morning
Our team will have to say goodbye to the kids at camp today.  This is always an emotional day because of the relationships that have been built through the week.  Our hope is that we have given them Jesus, the One who will love them, care for them, and be there with them always, much better than we can.  Still it will be hard to leave those sweet faces behind.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

But God

Queen Shirley sends her love.

Kingdom Rock started on Monday.  We had a great start and then the forecast for Tuesday was heavy rain.  We were wondering if our numbers would decrease to the point of no children.  In Belize rain and storms is frightening to not only children but parents.  Floods had hit areas of southern Belize the week before and most of the children we are working with will tell you of the water coming into their homes.  We spent Sunday at Pomona talking to the kids about Noah and the flood. His words are true.  He is our shelter from the storm.
Isaiah 25:4 You have been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in his distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat;

And then my favorite words of scripture, But God!
But God sent the rain in the night.  The storm passed and the buses filled and the children came.  The boys camp had about a 25 % increase and the girls camp had about a 50% increase.  Praise God!

Just wanted to also let you know that the youth we brought on this trip have shined bright.  Their boldness and witness is admiring.  They have challenged me this week.  At night we share our God moment for the day.  To hear their hearts and see their love for missions and the Lord is something I wish I could record to show their parents.

Pray today as we share the gospel.  The children and adults will be placing their cut out hands on a nail on a cross.  Pray as the Gospel demonstrates it's power.

In Him,

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Glory Revealed

Wow.  All I can say about today is that God was definitely making himself known.  We started the morning off with a prayer and devotion time, praying for our day here, as well as our Westwood family and Pastor Matt as he was preaching his first Sunday today.

We loaded up the bus and headed to Pomona church to lead their children's church service.  We were all eager to go and worship with such a sweet group of kids, get to lead them through small group time, and share the gospel as opportunities presented themselves.  This was such a sweet time for us all, and I hope that the kids enjoyed it as much as we did.  One thing that my son had told me before we came to Belize was that he was looking forward to making new friends down here.  My heart melted when he said that he had the best day ever, playing and getting to know new friends.  He has 4 new friends according to his count.  I am sure that many more are to come.
The bus ride
This week, we will be leading VBS Kingdom Rock Belizian style.  We will have girls at one place and boys at another.  Logistically, it could be a nightmare, but we know that God is in control.  He has handpicked the boys and girls who will be coming and He has a plan for us.  Tomorrow they will be learning that God's love helps them stand strong.  We pray that we can be a living example of God's love, and that the kids will have open eyes, ears, and hearts to see, hear, and feel that.

In order to prepare for the week ahead, we prayer walked at Holy Angels and ITVet today.  God poured Himself over those places and is covering each and every square inch of those properties.  God has already shown us favor in so many ways, and I don't expect Him to stop now.
Holy Angels
Our group praying at ITVet

Tonight we joined together outside at the restaurant/hotel where we are staying.  We had church right at our tables.  Once again, God was all over the place.  There are very few people who come to eat at the restaurant at any given time, but tonight as we were getting started with our worship and sharing time, a party of about 15 people came to eat.  They were from the States, and hopefully they have gotten a glimpse of God's glory.  Praying for more seeds to plant in them.

As we go about our week, pray for opportunities to share the gospel and make Jesus the hero of our lives.  God uses us to reach the next generation for the Gospel.

Psalm 78:5-7

English Standard Version (ESV)
He established a testimony in Jacob
    and appointed a law in Israel,
which he commanded our fathers
    to teach to their children,
that the next generation might know them,
    the children yet unborn,
and arise and tell them to their children,
    so that they should set their hope in God
and not forget the works of God,
    but keep his commandments;


Good Morning

Good Morning from Belize! The team and luggage all arrived here safely yesterday after about an 11 hour journey. Big thanks to Larry and Tom for driving us to Atlanta. God made provisions all along the way yesterday. The gentlemen that checked all 24 of us in at the airport did not charge us for any of the tubs of supplies. Customs in Belize was very kind to us also.  So thankful that the supplies all made it and now can be used for His purpose.
Today we will go to a church in Pamona.  Pray as Kenneth leads the  children's church. We will also have time to break into small groups. The message today is on Noah and the flood. Pray for ears to be opened.
This afternoon our team will be training Belizians and other churches for the week.  We will be giving a crash course in all things VBS.  We will also have an opportunity to prayer walk the schools where hundreds of children will come this week and hear the gospel and have fun. We can not wait to get  started! Pray for the team to be clear communicators of the Word and for us to get out of the way while the Holy Spirit guides.
We are praying for our church this morning as Pastor Matt starts his journey at Westwood. Welcome to Westwood Pastor Matt all the way from Belize!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Kings and Queens

We are less than 48 hours from leaving for Belize. Our team had a packing party tonight and it was awesome to watch as a room full of supplies quickly filled the bags with room to spare. Praise God for the provisions He has made and is making before we even hit the ground. This blog will be a place where we hopefully can update with not only the status of our team but share the stories God will dictate in Belize. Please pray as we head out at 3 am Saturday morning. If you have not signed up for a prayer time for our time, please do so now.

Prayer Wall

We could not go without the prayers of His people. Pray as we meet hundreds of His children this week during Queens and Kings camp.  Pray for boldness for our team as we share the gospel and love out-loud!

In Him,

Sunday, March 24, 2013


We had great intentions about blogging and sharing our stories on this trip. However, sometimes I am learning words do not do justice to describe our God. People laugh when I say I have no words. I always have words but even our entire team felt the silent respect we had for the spirit filled moments. We also were reminded that so many of these stories are not ours to tell. The children and teachers and pastors and missionaries have their own stories. Out of respect to them we will only share part of ours.
Personally Wednesday is a day that our team will never forget. During our VBS time with the older kids we focused on the gospel presentation. Two teachers from LOV spoke with the students about baptism. This community had not seen an actual baptism in years. Years. Tyler and Marlee from our team wanted to be baptized in Belize. In fact Tyler's reason for a Belize baptism was to "show others the true meaning of baptism and maybe others would follow." There were also some other children at the school who were wanting to be baptized that day. 4 baptisms were planned. One of the teachers told me he felt the soft wind of God moving in that school. As the gospel began to be shared the very loud chapel became still.
Then at around noon, in the heat of the day, we began a quiet walk across the street, down a hill and through the thick jungle to a river in the Valley. One of the teachers brought his guitar. One of the teachers who is also a preacher stood in the river. The bank was full of children. The soft wind of God begin to move. The baptisms of the scheduled children began. Sir Nick began to play, Jesus loves the little children and I have decided to follow Jesus. There were 21 total baptisms in the river that day. 2 teachers from the school also stepped into the water that day. My own husband baptized our two children and another student from his group this week. Todd began by reading scripture: Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation, to teaching. Practice these things, immerse yourself in them, so that all may see your progress. (1 Timothy 4:12, 13, 15 ESV)Sophia from our team was also baptized by her daddy, Jeff that day.
I turned around to soak in the moment and it literally took my breathe away. The living water flowed in the river that day. I watched healing. I watched obedience. I watched faith on display. I watched village and kingdom changers go under the water. I watched individuals become family. I watched Karen and David rejoice in a harvest they have plowed and planted for 5 years. I watched those who relate to the suffering of Christ receive the love of Christ. It was wordless.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Hello Miss and Sir!

Greetings from Belize. Week B group landed safely in Belize on Saturday. We joined our new friends from Immanuel Baptist church in Little Rock, Arkansas. We have a total of 28 people serving together this week. Tonight 2 more people will join our group tonight. We are excited with the team God placed together for this trip.
Sunday we visited a church in Pomona which is home to the largest children church in the country. We worshiped and loved on over 100 kids. God centered worship with brothers and sisters from a different culture worshiping the one true God.
Monday we were able to finally get to LOV. For the friends on the trip who have been before seeing old friends is like coming home. For friends on the trip coming to LOV for the first time it is like a heart explosion.
Our partnership with Kidz Konnect and Westwood has given relationship to short term missions. We have mutual love for each other. We learn so much from this children and them from us. To see them grow, learn and love is an honor.
Please continue to pray for the team. We have had team members sick with a stomach bug. But God has been faithful and given strength to the weak and rest for the weary. Tomorrow begins intentional sharing the word with the older children at the school. Pray for less of us and more of Him.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Holy Ground

Holy ground

After resting up from our travel day on Saturday, we were delighted to start our day with worship and teaching at the Children’s Church of Pamona. God used us to minister to the children and the children to minister to us. We had a precious time in the Lord and went to lunch with pastor Wayne and his family. Little did we know, Shirley had been discussing what we should do that afternoon with The Lord. At the same time, Karen Rhodes, the full time missionary in the area was praying and they both were led to the same conclusion…. We should prayer walk the property of Light of the Valley church and school.

Our families started with a walk around the church then each family moved to an assigned building at the school. We covered the fields they play in, the buildings they study in, their playground, their restrooms, and the kitchen where their meals are prepared. We all ended up in the center of the property. At the center of the property is an abandoned building not currently being used. The building was in rough shape and several of us had an uneasy feeling as we prayed over this building. So much so that we felt led to go in and worship and call out to God together to come and take the building back for His glory. We gathered together and sang Your Presence is Heaven to Me. We called out to the Lord as a group and asked him to come, to use us, to use the people of the community, and the children of the school to help us refresh and restore the property. We were to begin the process of clean up the next morning and there were several forces working against what God had already ordained.

In his walk, Pastor Corey had found a page of the Bible from the Book of Nehemiah.
He read aloud to us Nehemiah 2:17-18. …… 17 Then I said to them, “You see the trouble we are in: Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates have been burned with fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace.” 18 I also told them about the gracious hand of my God on me and what the king had said to me.

God has blessed our team with His words and actions in so many ways this week it would take a month to share them all. God is faithful and we appreciate those who are praying us through this week. Continue to pray that God would bless the leadership of Light of the Valley with wisdom and discernment to lead them through the trials that we know will come their way. Pray their hearts will be on fire to reach their friends and family with the good news of Christ’s love for all of us.

In Him,


Close to My Heart

This is Jennifer.  She is an encourager, she is a reconciler, she is a wife and a mother.  She is a child of the King, and one of the members of the Westwood mission team working with Kidz Konnect 4 Jesus in Belize

One of our activities this week is Vacation Bible School for the younger children at Light of the Valley School.  We’re working with K5- 3rd grade.   Jennifer had the honor of loving on a little girl today that was feeling left out of things.  Jennifer sat the child in her lap and told her to lean into her chest so she could comfort her.  She asked the little girl to listen.  She asked her if she could hear her heart?  The little girl said yes.  She told the child that she had comforted her four children the same way and that it should remind them that they’re always close to their Mommy’s heart.  God used Jennifer to bring her comfort and in a way God used this precious little one to comfort Jennifer as she’d left two of her four babies at home to live on mission in Belize. 

When the morning was done, the leaders were to gather the name badges from all the children.  The precious girl took her name badge and placed it on the lanyard around Jennifer’s neck so she could be close to her heart.  The other children followed suit.  Oh how we all long to be close to someone’s heart.  To be accepted, loved, and embraced.

Pray that God will continue to use us to pour out His love on these precious children, their families, and the surrounding community.  God is moving and the enemy is aware.  Pray that the believers here will have the boldness to share their faith with others and that they will be open to active discipleship.  I’ve met so many young people who are leaders and like all of us there are so many pretty fake things to lure them away from a life of fullness in Christ.  Pray for disciples, encouragers, givers, servants, and craftsman to come. Pray that people who love The Lord like crazy will continue to be called to this area of the world and the gospel of Christ will be shared and spread like wildfire. 

Written By: Janna

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Flat Tire

This the story of the flat tire.  I am trying to remember every word I heard over the static of a cell phone. When the team comes back I am sure their version will be much clearer.  However, we want you who are praying and supporting this team to hear the stories and share in the joy.
Roads in Belize are usually dusty,bumpy and always an adventure.  In fact there are 4 roads in the entire country.  Going on this mission trip, you will travel on all of them.  Early yesterday morning the team was loaded up in two vans on their way to the school.  Before pulling out, the white van didn't want to start but after prayer and Scottie's mechanic skills, the van roared it's engine and off they went.  Only minutes later the same van was now showing signs of a flat tire.  Both vans carrying the team pulled off to the side of the road.  Two men from the team, Randy and Kevin began to pray and walk to find help and then there in front of them as God ordained was a used car lot.  Praying as they were walking for someone to be there ... they walk up to find a young man working on a car.  Randy and Kevin explain to him the team needed help changing the tire to which the young man tells them he can help. The young man walks back with them to the van meanwhile telling the two men of his story.  He and his father run the used car lot.  They were working on their last car that morning.  Not sure where their next dollar would come.  The father drives over to the team's vans and parks his car on the street blocking the vans from being hit from an oncoming car.  In Belize driving laws are not a priority and being on the road is not the safest place to be.  All while the tire is being changed some other members of our team are singing songs.  Kevin and Randy share with the young man about the mission trip.  The young man shares, "Yes, I am a believer too. I thank God everyday He has provided for my father, myself and my business."  Renee comes to the van in tears telling how that morning she opened a card from a Westwood church member that had cash in it.  Inside the card it said, give this money away today to someone might need it.  She had gone into her room that morning and prayed for God to show her who to give it to and then she put the money in her pocket. 

Before 9 am. 
Before even getting to the school.
A flat tire.
The side of the road. 
Used car lot.
Young man and his father.
Praying with strangers.
Fixing a flat.
Sharing Jesus.

After pulling off and back on the road headed to LOV, Janna yelled out, "Is that all you got devil?  A flat tire?"  The team feels your prayers.  God is near.  Don't forget your mission here.  What are you missing today?  Thank Him for what He is doing in Belize and what He is doing in your life today. 

Day 2

Internet still down:  these updates are pieced together through text and phone calls. Enjoy.

Sunday night phone call:  I shared the gospel with a 17 year old named Michael. He is a roofer. He kept saying he was good. He thought I was crazy. We went to eat lunch and he was at the restaurant. Pray for him.

Monday text: Michael came to LOV today all the way from Dangriga!  He prayed to receive Christ with Corey!!!!

Karen's (missionary in Belize) Facebook update Monday night:

Today we got to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Our LOV partners from Alabama and Florida pulled weeds, carried rocks, scrubbed buildings, mowed . . . Anyway you get the idea. It was very hot humid day full of the kind of light only the people of Jesus can shine when truly serving out of love and obedience to our sweet Lord and Savior. The hot breeze gently kissed my cheek every so often reminded me that God is forever mindful of our needs and delights in His children.
As weariness began to set in, God whispered in my heart, "we are not finished here today." I had been speaking with a young man that a team member disciples yesterday and felt The Lord to nudge me to ask him if he would like to pray the prayer of salvation?  He replied yes with tear filled eyes that are manna to my soul. One of the men were close by and took him to the side to pray.
Sweet Michael, on this day in Belize known as Heroes Day, you claimed the only Hero you will ever need! Welcome to the family little brother.

Today starts VBS for the younger kids at the school.  There are over 300 kids at LOV. 150 will do VBS this week.  Pray for the team as they make much of God by sharing His word.  

Monday, March 11, 2013

Week A Has Landed

Praise God Week A team has landed safely in Belize and with all luggage. 

The Internet is down and they are unsure when it will be back up and running, so far the time being we will update from Alabaster.  I got to speak with Shirley last night by phone.  She shared that Sunday morning the team went to Pomona to church.  On Sunday mornings the church has children's church.  Adult service is held on Sunday nights.  When the team arrived Pastor Wayne and his wife were not there.  Wayne was having car trouble and running late.  So our team was able to jump in and lead children's church.  Buzz led group time and Kevin led music.  After church the team got to go to LOV and have a prayer walk over the school.  Pray today as the team helps with community day. It is a holiday today in Belize and the church and community will come together and have a work day at the school.  Pray specifically for the school and the church that meets at LOV to come together in unity.  Pray God will join this community with His Holy Spirit.  VBS will start tomorrow. Pray for the team to find rest and strength, for good weather and working conditions, for flexibility and patience.

Post your comments here for the team and we will share them!