Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Holy Ground

Holy ground

After resting up from our travel day on Saturday, we were delighted to start our day with worship and teaching at the Children’s Church of Pamona. God used us to minister to the children and the children to minister to us. We had a precious time in the Lord and went to lunch with pastor Wayne and his family. Little did we know, Shirley had been discussing what we should do that afternoon with The Lord. At the same time, Karen Rhodes, the full time missionary in the area was praying and they both were led to the same conclusion…. We should prayer walk the property of Light of the Valley church and school.

Our families started with a walk around the church then each family moved to an assigned building at the school. We covered the fields they play in, the buildings they study in, their playground, their restrooms, and the kitchen where their meals are prepared. We all ended up in the center of the property. At the center of the property is an abandoned building not currently being used. The building was in rough shape and several of us had an uneasy feeling as we prayed over this building. So much so that we felt led to go in and worship and call out to God together to come and take the building back for His glory. We gathered together and sang Your Presence is Heaven to Me. We called out to the Lord as a group and asked him to come, to use us, to use the people of the community, and the children of the school to help us refresh and restore the property. We were to begin the process of clean up the next morning and there were several forces working against what God had already ordained.

In his walk, Pastor Corey had found a page of the Bible from the Book of Nehemiah.
He read aloud to us Nehemiah 2:17-18. …… 17 Then I said to them, “You see the trouble we are in: Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates have been burned with fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace.” 18 I also told them about the gracious hand of my God on me and what the king had said to me.

God has blessed our team with His words and actions in so many ways this week it would take a month to share them all. God is faithful and we appreciate those who are praying us through this week. Continue to pray that God would bless the leadership of Light of the Valley with wisdom and discernment to lead them through the trials that we know will come their way. Pray their hearts will be on fire to reach their friends and family with the good news of Christ’s love for all of us.

In Him,


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